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tamoadmin 2024-08-13 人已围观

简介1.大学生面试英文自我介绍2分钟2.英语面试常见提问问题3.英语口语面试常见问题及回答4.面试时基本的英语口语5.英语面试的技巧有哪些6.如何准备英语面试自我介绍?7.考研面试英语自我介绍 ? 一、面试可能问的问题: 1、你教了几年书? How long he you been teaching? I he been teaching for... 2、有教小学的经验











1、你教了几年书? How long he you been teaching?

I he been teaching for...

2、有教小学的经验吗?Did you he any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school?

Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.

3、你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids?

I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are ailable like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles.

4、能否示范一下? Can you demonstrate one lesson?

Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday...(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune)

5、你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同?What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children?

well, when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient.He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different.

Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can he more discussions with the children.

6、如何让小学生对英文感兴趣? How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English?


How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?


I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes songs are all good for little kids. I will he them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work.Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success.



1. 对目标公司所在地、规模、在全球的活动概况等要事先有所了解,包括总公司在国内设立分公司的时间、业绩表现、经营规模,以及今后打算开展的业务等,若能得到业界的评价更好。如无法得到书面资料,也要设法从该公司或其他同业中获得情报。

2. 面试时自我介绍内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。

3. 准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。





灵活的应聘者往往会把"我"开头的话,变成"你"字打头。例如,面试人说:Would you please say something about yourself?(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job?(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题?)这样,你的谈话就把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。



1. 能力。当你知道招聘单位目前急于用人时,首先把自己的专长讲足说够,然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like me.(我想,贵单位需要象我这样的人才。)用这样的句式,让面试人认为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的发展考虑问题,于是更容易接受你。陈述自己的任职资格时,可以这么开头:I'm qualified for the job because……(我能胜任这项工作,是因为……)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已不再是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。

2. 业绩。外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,为了证明你的能力,你可以把过去的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟现在雇主所面临的类似问题:I explored Shanghai market and sold 50,000 sets in one year.(我开发了上海市场,一年销售出去5万套。)

3. 诚意。某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句:I'd like to hear your opinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊敬,很容易使他(她)产生亲切感。当面试人在试探你的应聘诚意时,应该及时表态:So far as that is concerned, you must he understood my determination.(谈到这里,您一定已经明白我的决心。)问些与工作内容相关的问题,能表现你对这份工作的兴趣。如:What other responsibilities do you think this job will include? (您觉得这份工作所包含的职责还有哪些?)


如果你获得了第一轮英文面试(The first round English interview)的机会,预示着你梦想的职位正向你招手,这轮面试的分量可想而知,所以你应该确保在面试中发挥状态。其实,英文交流无障碍的应聘者为数不多,大多数人都处于有一定交流基础、但经验不足的水平,以下介绍一些面试中的注意事项,希望帮助英文水平并不是特别出众的你规避硬伤。




Personal Statement忌语速过快


There be I believe简单直白

用简单直白的语言表现魅力的自我,才是中英文面试的至高境界。习惯于堆砌华丽词藻的很多人恨不得在面试中用大气磅礴的英文演讲征服面试官,其实又犯了舍本逐末的错误。不要不屑于用there be 句型,不要不屑于用第一人称,不要想着那些一辈子也用不上几次的虚拟语气、倒装句和长词冗句,如果你能保证说英文如行云流水那么你尽情用,但万一紧张得忘了词怎么办?万一面试官和你展开辩论怎么办?用平实的语言直切正题是最讨巧的方式。

如果你凭实力进入了free talk阶段,接下来要做的就是坦率的与面试官讨论大到企业未来,小到穿着打扮的话题,当然坦率也要聪明。那时候面试官有可能思维如野马,你很难把握他所关注的你身上的特质,你也无法预知他会问你些什么,那么以上这几点仍然是可遵循的规律。




 1."Tell me about yourself" 简要介绍你自己。

 2."Why are you interested in this position?" 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣?

 3."What are your strengths?" 谈谈你的优势?

 4."What is Your Biggest Weakness?" 谈谈你最大的弱点是什么?

 5."Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?" 为什么你认为自己适合这个职位?

 6."Can you give me the highlights of your resume?" 谈谈你的简历上有些什么值得特别关注的吗?

 7."Why did you choose your major?" 你为什么选择这个专业?

 8."What are your interests?" 你有哪些兴趣爱好呢?

 9."What are your short and long term goals?" 你对于短期和长期的目标是什么?

 10."Tell me how your friends/family would describe you?" 如果我向你的朋友或者家人询问对你的评价,你认为他们会怎样说?

 11."Using single words, tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakness." 用简单的词,描述你的三项最突出的优点和一个缺点。

 12."What motivates you to succeed?" 你 争取成功的动力是什么?

 13."What qualities do you feel are important to be successful in _____ (i.e. customer service)?" 哪些品质在你看来对成功是最重要的?

 14."What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities?" 哪些之前的精力帮助你获得了这些品质?

 15."Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?" 你能向我列举一个团队活动和领导力的例子吗?

 16."What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?" 你经历过最大的挑战是什么?你如何跨越它的`?

 17."Why should I hire you over the other candidates I am interviewing?" 我为什么要从这么多应聘者中选择你呢?

 18."Do you he any questions?" 你有一些什么问题吗?

 19."What are your compensation expectations?" 你去年的收入是多少?你对于报酬有什么样的期望?

 20."What was your greatest accomplishment in past time?" 在过去的日子里,你觉得自己最大的成就是什么?

 21."He you ever been asked to do something unethical? If yes, how did you handle it?"曾经有人要求你去做一些不道德的事情吗?如果有,你是怎么处理的呢?

 22."What do you do if you totally disagree with a request made by your manager?"如果你完全不同意你上司的某个要求,你怎么处理?

 23."When in a group setting, what is your typical role?" 你在团队中通常的作用是什么?

 24."How do you motivate a team to succeed?" 你怎么激励团队达到成功? 面试英语口语

 25."He you been in team situations where not everyone carried their fair share of the workload? If so, how did you handle the situation?" 如果你所处的团队中,并不是每个成员都承担着相同的工作量,你怎样处理这种情况?

 Problem-solving questions demonstrate your ability to come up with solutions to difficult situations and your ability to think on your feet.

 26."How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to accomplish?" 你怎样在一堆根本做不完的工作任务中区分轻重缓急?

 27."Why are manhole covers round?" 为什么下水道的井盖是圆的?面试英语口语

 Organizational and planning questions demonstrate how you roach your job and how you think. If someone ears disorganized, more likely than not, that candidate will be rejected.

 28."Tell me about a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it."


 29."Do you typically achieve what you set out to do?"


 30."What de-motivates or discourages you?" 有哪些因素可能会让你失去动力或信心?

 31."Do you work better in teams or by yourself?" 对于你来说,与团队一起工作和独自干活哪样效率更高?

 32."How important to you is a positive attitude?" 积极的态度对你有多重要?

 33."What is your definition of success?" 你怎样定义成功?

 34. "What was your biggest disointment during your college life?" 你大学阶段最大的遗憾是什么?

 35. "Tell me about the most difficult decision you he had to make." 你曾经做过的最难的决定是什么?

 36. "What is your ideal job?" 你理想的工作是什么?




很多时候,我们需要向他人介绍自己,让别人知道自己是谁,是个怎样的人。那么大学生 面试 时有英文如何 自我介绍 呢?下面是我给大家整理的大学生面试 英文自我介绍 2分钟_大学生英文自我介绍 范文 (面试),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

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Good morning !It is really my honor to he this opportunity for a interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly.I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.I spend most of my time on study,i he passed CET4/6 . and i he acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.In July 2003, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.


Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors! It is my great honor to take this interview. Thank you very much for giving me the chance!

My name is ___,I come from Guang_i province and I am 22 years old. I am an undergraduate of Nanjing University of technology, major in information management and information system. Nanjing University of technology has a long history, the beautiful campus sceneries provide me an e_cellent study environment. After about three years’ hard work, I he learned most of the courses of my specialty and he a good command of English.

During the past 3 years in my college, as an undergraduate student, I he been working diligently at my specialty. I he built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. I got a lot of scholarships, once I feel I fall behind others, I will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with others. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a foundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses!

I am a girl full of passion and enthusiasm. Always I am interested in fresh things and I will be energetic when confront with difficulties. I am a perseverant person. Once I set myself a goal, I will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment. I am also an easygoing person enjoying a fine relationship with people around and at the same time, I’m also a girl of team spirit.

In my spare time, I like dancing, playing badminton and watching English films. Dancing and playing badminton are my forite sports. They keep me in good health, full of energy and breed optimism towards life. Besides, I really enjoy watching English films. It can not only kill time, but also e_cise my listening skills. I know my English is not good enough, and I will continue to study.


i am from guang_i university for nationalities no.__?professional graduates. allow me to take up a few minutes e_aminers to conduct a self-introduction!

after several years of university campus life, i learned a lot of knowledge. i am pleased to accept and learn new things and do things in life are so self-disciplined; students do in the director-general, through a wide range of unusual and effective improvement measures to complete the communication and cooperation between the departments. a serious and responsible work. with team spirit. academic performance among the best in class, studying and strong interest in learning the spirit of the regular teachers he been well received.


Good afternoon (morning), professors:

It is my great pleasure to be here. My name is mingmingzhou , graduated from Computer Science Department of Wuhan University.During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I he built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich e_perience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.

What's more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance e_amination to the Master's degree. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates.

In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my forite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, hiness and passion.

All in all, Wuhan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I he long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified licant for admission into your Master of IT program and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of your university.

Thank you for your attention!


Good morning , ladies and gentlemen

It is my great honor to he this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. I'm a graduate student from ____ UNIVERSITY . My name is ___ ,__years old. , born in __. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June.

In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I he a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 20_, e_cel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.

Although perhaps I'm not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I will satisfy you well.

As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology. I he acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years. Since September 20, with great interest, I he been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits. It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship. My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person. Other than my major study, I he master a great skills in computer operation.

One month as cadet teacher in the March of ___, not only did i oain enough first hand e_perience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I he chosen is sacred and significant. Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible educator.

Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position.

Thank you for your attention!

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 1. What?s your name?

 2. Does your name he any special meaning?

 3. Where were you come from?

 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

 5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

 7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

 8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

 9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

 10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?


 1. What is people?s forite food in your region?

 1. How do you make dumplings?

 3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

 4. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

 5. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

 6. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

 7. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

 8. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

 9. How long he you lived in Beijing?

 10. What is the weather like in Beijing?

 11. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?


 1. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?

 2. Which is the worst place you?ve been to China?

 3. Which is the best place you?ve been to China?

 4. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

 5. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?

 6. What is the biggest problem China faces?

 7. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

 8. Could you tell me something about your family?

 9. He you any children?



 Type 1: “Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?”

 “You are a top company and I am convinced there would be no better place to work. You provide your employees with an open working environment based on team work.”

 Type 2: “Why did you lee your last job?”

 (Hint: Don’t lie and don’t speak badly of your past employer)

 “I felt there was a lack of potential for upward mobility, I needed a more challenging job”

 Type 3: “How would you describe your ability to work in a team?”

 ”As part of my college basketball team I learned we must work together. My individual training in the gym contributed to the team’s overall success. I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person is working on them”

 Type 4: “What skills he you developed in your previous roles?”

 “During my internship I worked for a few days in each of the departments of a company. This ge me a great insight into management techniques and how a big organisation works”

 Type 5: “Would you be willing to trel in this job?”

 “I understand that in order to build a good long term relationship with our customers it sometimes necessary to trel. I am more than willing to do this”

 Type 6: “Describe your leadership skills?”

 “It is important to take everyone’s opinion into account and give them the opportunity to excel. My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order”

 Type 7: “What suggestions do you he for our organisation?”

 “Looking at your website, and comparing it with those of your compes, I think you should streamline the site and emphasis the recent upgrades to your products”

 Type 8: “What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?”

 “Taking for granted the huge sacrifices my parents made, so that I could succeed. I now do everything I can to make them proud of me”


 1.Tell me about yourself.




 I really like the hotel industry, I think the hotel is my best friend.


 2.What are your three greatest strengths?

 回答这个问题的`时候不可以含混不清,不可以只是简单回答“I’m really organized, punctual and get along well with others.”



 “I think my strongest strengths are aggressive, hard working and communicative.”


 3.What are your three greatest weaknesses?



 4.Why are you interested in working for our hotel?


 因此不要以“It seemed like a good career move”为开始。

 如果能有一些实际问题回答的话,就会更大程度地得分,可以这样回答:“I read an article in the newspaper and was very impressed by……”但是前提是你必须真的对这家酒店作了研究,同时也要注意,不要让面试官觉得你是为了讨好面试官而言过其实,这样只会适得其反。

 5.If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?


 “As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities.”


 6.Do you he any questions for me?


 应聘者一定要提前准备很多有关这个酒店具体情况的问题,最好能够涉及到他们业务上取得的成绩,比如说:“I learned that your hotel has seen tremendous growth in recent years. I’m keen to know how you made such a success.”






 ①I:what is your major?

 A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in"Marketing".


 ②I:Which university are you attending?

 A:I am attending×××University.

 ③I:He you received any degrees?

 A:Yes. First, I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.

 ④I:What course did you like best?

 A:project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it's very useful for my present work.

 ⑤I:Do you feel that you he received a good general training?

 A:Yes, I he studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.


 ①I:He you ever been employed?

 ②I:Your resume says you he had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?

 A:I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However,I left there two years ago because the work they ge me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

 ③I:He you done any work in this field?

 ④I:What qualifications do you he that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

 ⑤I:What he you learned from the jobs you he had?

 A:I he learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition, I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

 ⑥I:What's you major weak point?

 A:I hen't been involved in international business, so I don't he any experience, but I he studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.

 ⑦I:What are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

 ⑧I:please tell me about your working experience.

 ⑨I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

 A:No, I hen't discussed my career plans with my present employer, but I am sure he will understand.


 ①I:How do you spend your spare time?

 ②I:Are you interested in sports?

 ③I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

 ④I:What kind of personality do you think you he?

 A:I always roach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something, I don't like to lee it halfdone. I can't concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

 ⑤I:What is the most important thing for you to be hy?

 A:Different people he different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is hing a good relationship with my family members and my friends. My family has always been very closeknit, and my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less hy than I am.

 ⑥I:What makes you angry?

 A:Dishonesty. It's unacceptable.

 ⑦I:What are your personal weaknesses?

 A:I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. I'm not comfortable talking with the people whom I he just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I he been studying public speaking.

 ⑧I:Are you more of a leader or a follower?

 A:I don't try to lead people. I'd rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.


 ①I:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

 A:Yes, in most circumstances.

 ②I:Are you ailable for trel?

 A:Yes, I like treling. I am young, and unmarried. It's no problem for me to trel frequently.

 ③I:How about overtime work?

 A:Overtime work is very common in companies. I can work overtime if it's necessary, but I don't think we will work overtime everyday.

 ④I:How long do you think we can depend on your working here?

 ⑤I:Do you like regular work?

 A:No, I don't like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challenge, but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

 ⑥I:What salary do you expect

 A:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

 ⑦I:Do you work well under pressure

 A:Working under pressure is exciting and challenging. I don't mind working under pressure. I work well under the secircum stances. people can, I Can.

 ⑧I:Do you he any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

 A:No,nothing in particular.

 ⑨I:How soon can you begin working for us?

 A:I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then transfer to your company.


 ①I:Any questions?

 A:When will I know your decision?

 ②I:How can we get in touch with you?

 ③I:We will notify you of our decision by mail, is this convenient for you?

 ④I:Thank you for your interest in our company.

 A:Thank you, Mr.Smith. Goodbye.(Thank you for your time.)

 ⑤I:You will be hearing from us very soon. please send the next licantin on your way out.

 A:OK.Thank you very much.







 1) May I come in?


 2) How are you doing, Mrs. Smith?


 3) Excuse me. May I see Mrs. Smith?


 4) Miss Wu? Will you come in please? Take a seat.


 5) I he come here for an interview by ointment. Nice to meet you.


 6) I am coming for an interview as required.


 7) Did you he any difficulty finding our company?


 8) How do you think of the weather today?





 1) What is your name,please?


 2) Can you tell me what your full name is, please?


 3) How do you spell your full name?


 4) I was born on June 22,1980.


 5) You look very young.How old are you?


 6) I am just over twenty-two.


 7) Where are you from?


 8) Where is your native place?


 9) Where do you live now?


 10) I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road, Apt 802,Beijing.





 1) What kind of character do you think you he?


 2) Are you introverted or extroverted?


 3) What kind of person would you like to work with?


 4) -How do you get along with others?


 -I get on well with others.


 5) Do you he any particular strengths or weaknesses?


 6) What basic principles do you ly to your life?


 7) How do you spend your spare time?


 8) What kind of sports do you like most?


 9) What are your hobbies?


 10)I he an interest in treling.




 应聘者在参加英语求职面试前大都作过充分的语言知识的准备与练习。那么在众多的英语语法规则中为什么要单独强调时态的运用呢?其一是因为由于和汉语的表达 习惯不同(汉语中动词没有时态变化),这是一个口语中极其常见的错误。但同时来说,时态又是比较基本的语法点,一旦用错,会让面试官对面试者的`英语能力产 生质疑。其二是因为在面试过程中,往往会涉及到很多关于个人经历,教育背景,工作经验,职业规划等方面的问题,因此在表述某件事情或是某个想法的时候,一 定要注意配合正确的时态,否则就会造成差之毫厘,失之千里的后果。例如:你已经参加过某项专业技能培训 与你正在参加或参加就是完全不同的。


 任何面试都带有一定程度的主观性。也就是说面试官是否欣赏你也可能成为最后的决定性因素。因此在英语面试的过程中,应当尽量避免由于对英语语言的驾驭能力不足,而引发的不敬甚至冒犯 ?具体而言,主要有两种做法要特别注意避免。首先是要避免使用过于生僻的单词,或是地方俚语之类接受群体相对比较小的表达方式。因为这种表达方式很有可能造成听者的困惑与曲解 ?其次则是要避免过多,过于主观地谈及宗教文化或时事政治方面的问题。不少面试者出于第一项提到的急于展示英语水平的目的,或是想给面试官留下深刻印象的目的,常常会犯这个错误 ?在英语求职面试中,面试官很有可能来自不同的国家与地区,有一定的个人倾向。因此作为面试者,在不了解情况的状态下,如果谈到此类话题,谨慎而有节制的发言才是上上策。


 一般而言,对于非英语专业要求的工作,面试常常主要是英语口试形式。但是要注意的是这与英语 考试的口试不同,面试人员通常是由公司的人事主管,应聘部门主管或公司高层组成,他们更关心和器重的是你的专业知识和工作能力,而英语此时只是一种交流工具,或者说是你要展示的众多技能中的一种,因此要切忌为说英语而说英语,有些人就怕自己的英语减分,为了希望给面试官留下英语水平高的印象,常常会大量的使用事先准备好的花哨的词汇及句式,而真正针对面试官所提问题的、与工作有关的个人见解却很少,内容空泛,逻辑混乱。最后除了得到一句英语不错的夸奖之外,恐怕很难有理想的收获。因为在漂亮英语和聪明头脑之间,面试官总是会选择后者的。以上所谈英语面试求职三点技巧,相信你已经熟记于心了。此外别忘了,任何面试中,整洁的衣着,大方的仪态一定是会助你一臂之力的。
























 灵活的应聘者往往会把“我”开头的话,变成“你”字打头。例如,面试人说:Would you please say something about yourself?(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job?(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题?)这样,你的谈话就把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。



 1、能力。当你知道招聘单位目前急于用人时,首先把自己的专长讲足说够,然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like me.(我想,贵单位需要象我这样的人才。)用这样的句式,让面试人认为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的发展考虑问题,于是更容易接受你。陈述自己的任职资格时,可以这么开头:I’m qualified for the job because……(我能胜任这项工作,是因为……)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已不再是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。

 2、业绩。外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,为了证明你的能力,你可以把过去的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟现在雇主所面临的类似问题:I explored Shanghai market and sold 50,000 sets in one year.(我开发了上海市场,一年销售出去5万套。)

 3、诚意。某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句:I’d like to hear your opinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊敬,很容易使他(她)产生亲切感。当面试人在试探你的应聘诚意时,应该及时表态:So far as that is concerned, you must he understood my determination.(谈到这里,您一定已经明白我的决心。)问些与工作内容相关的问题,能表现你对这份工作的兴趣。如:What other responsibilities do you think this job will include? (您觉得这份工作所包含的职责还有哪些?)






  Personal Statement忌语速过快


  There be I believe简单直白最好

 用简单直白的语言表现最具魅力的自我,才是中英文面试的至高境界。习惯于堆砌华丽词藻的很多人恨不得在面试中用大气磅礴的英文演讲征服面试官,其实又犯了舍本逐末的错误。不要不屑于用there be 句型,不要不屑于用第一人称,不要想着那些一辈子也用不上几次的虚拟语气、倒装句和长词冗句,如果你能保证说英文如行云流水那么你尽情用,但万一紧张得忘了词怎么办?万一面试官和你展开辩论怎么办?用平实的语言直切正题是最讨巧的方式。

 如果你凭实力进入了free talk阶段,接下来要做的就是坦率的与面试官讨论大到企业未来,小到穿着打扮的话题,当然坦率也要聪明。那时候面试官有可能思维如野马,你很难把握他所关注的你身上的特质,你也无法预知他会问你些什么,那么以上这几点仍然是唯一可遵循的规律。











Good morning/afternoon professors.It’s a great honor to he the opportunity for this interview.



I am XX from XX(本科学校)university majoring in XX(专业).


In terms of academic performance, I studied really hard, ranked first in my major and got a GPA of 4.1. During the past three years, I he successfully passed the CET-6 and won various scholarships and honorary titles.












